I Hate Art - Angry Dog - Edvard Munch

Angry Dog is a painting by Edvard Munch painted in 1938-43 the painting shows a big black angry dog with the tongue hanging out. The dog is standing outside in the grass and there are birch trees behind it. the dog is looking at the viewer clearly angry. We can only see the front half of its body.
This painting ia a story between Edward and his neigbours dog.
The painting is carelessly painted as if by a child. I do not like the fact that the brushstrokes are thick,  defined because it makes the painting seem unfinished unflatering without any techniques and skill. The paint is smeared on the canvas which has many visible blank spaces. 

For me, the painting should be more realistic and precise with many details. I am not a fan of abstract composition. I do not like the subject of this artwork. In my opinion, the subject matter of a painting should be pleased on the eyes and give joy.

Image reference:



  1. As discussed in the class, it is always important to put a painting like this into context, Munch was nearing the end of his life, he had problems with his vision, this was probably one of many he made very quickly and loosely. But I agree with you that the face of the dog is hugely unsettling, as it is neither a human or canine face but somewhere in between.


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