Duane Michals

 Duane Michals is an American photographer who is known for sequential images.

I would like to describe two sets of sequential images by Duane Michals because They caught my eye, due to their creative precision, simplicity, and clarity.

Duane Michals - Dr. Heisenbergs Magic Mirror of Uncertainty

'Dr. Heisenbergs Magic Mirror of Uncertainty' is a sequence of black and white photos that present a young woman looking in a mirror that distorts her image, on each of the six photos her reflection is deformed.

'Dr. Heisenbergs was an author of the uncertainty principle which said you can not measure the speed and location of an object at the same time.

in the photos, the author captured the movement of the face in the mirror. The woman can never be certain what she will see in the mirror. Each moment when she wants to see herself passes before. she actually looks into the mirror.

Duane Michals - Chance Meeting

Duane Michals'Chance Meeting'

This set of black and white photos shows two men passing each other in a narrow street.

With each picture the man is getting closer, in the third picture it seems that one of the men recognizes the other as he is looking at him. he turns around as if he has met the person before. Then he disappears from the picture which is when the other man turns around as if just realizing he went by a friend. For me, this sequence means that in life we have just one moment to act and when that moment is gone we will not have a second chance.

I feel quite sad looking at this set of pictures because there are chances that we do not know we have and when we finally realised that if was a moment to seize it is already too late.


 Availlable at: https://www.dcmooregallery.com/ [Accessed: 26.11.2021]

Available at: https://www.icp.org/ [Accessed: 26.11.2021]

Duane Michals () availlable at: https://www.britannica.com/ [Accessed: 26.11.2021]


  1. Again, no commentary here discussing the work of Duane Michals. Please complete your research on a photographer who created sequential images, as this was the homework of week one.


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