Exercise basic drawings

 Exercise no. 1 - difficult

The white on white drawing helped me see that there are different tones of colours and different undertones that sometimes match one another and sometimes clash. The colour may be perceived as cold or warm and used as such in a composition. In combination with white tones, we can create a whole picture that is composed of one colour only. This exercise was particularly important for my project because it taught me not only to look at the colour of the flowers but also at the tones. A floral composition should be cohesive and pleasing to the eye. The colours should tell the story that the client wishes to tell - an extravagant or a classic project. In an extravagant project, the graphic designer might choose colours that do not complement each other in tone or create branding out of the tonal values alone. In a more traditional project, as a designer, I will be expected to use traditional pairings of tones and values. 

I used 2b and 2h  pencil


Exercise no.2 - quick

Gesture drawing allows me to make a rapid sketch of an idea when inspiration comes or when I see an interesting feature that I would like to include in my project. It helps to recreate ideas at a later time when the memory of them has already faded. While gesture drawing I noticed I focused on the general idea and the overall composition of the subject, not on the detail. Preparing for my project I took some walks around town and I was able to sketch a few flower arrangements and colour pairings that I thought my be useful for me later. I imagine that as a graphic designer I will often have to present a rough sketch of the idea that I am pitching to the client during the first meeting and being able to quickly recreate an image will be an advantage.

I used 2b pencil

20 seconds / 5 times

40 seconds / 5times

2 minutes / 5 times

Exercise no. 3

Drawing negative space taught me to see the object more clearly, without the preconceptions. In this exercise I had to focus on the space around and behind the object and notice how the shapes between different elements let us see the object itself. The drawing becomes more objective as if we were seeing the item for the first time as it emerges out of the background. It is a method by which an artist can achieve an interesting effect. For a graphic designer, this method might help to look at everyday objects differently, see how the shapes of different items go together and what new inspiring shapes they form. 

Exercise no.4


Drawing with my non-dominant hand was quite a challenge. The fact that I had to use a hand that is not trained to do what my mind wants it to do meant that I could not rely on movements of the hand that had been well-established and which helped me draw the objects in a similar way each time. It created a shift in the connection between my hand and my eye which was at times frustrating.  I think this exercise will be especially useful to repeat whenever I feel stuck with an idea or when I want to create a unique representation of an object.

Exercise no. 5

Continuous contour line drawing, like negative space drawing made me focus on the shape of the object but this time the item was clearly outlined. The idea of creating an object using one continuous line frees the process of the wish to control the shape and by the quick flow of hand the general imperfect shape is achieved. The process is light and quick and captures the essence of the subject matter. The resulting drawing is very symbolic in nature. Line drawing helped me see that the object does not need to be the sum of all the elements but that sometimes it is enough to hint at what we mean for the viewer to see it. 

Exercise no. 6 

In the tonal value drawing exercise I learned that object are not just outlines filled with colour but that we can achieve the same effect noticing the different tones and values that give the object its depth and dimension. 


  1. Please add commentary and show examples of making these drawings and WHY they are important to this project!


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