Project Ideas & Plan


Describe your major project objective using the SMART acronym 

 The Graphic Design - Illustration project I will carry out this term will use the theme of Oriental Surprise and will use the concept of 'Asian culture and traditions. I will design  book of fairy tales for children (2D) using traditional( watercolour, gouache, and collage, markers, colourful pencils) and digital drawings technique. I will then create one 3D piece  Physical book. I will scan this completed piece to add to my portfolio. The target market for this series of books will be children aged 5-10 years old. I will research Artist which are designing paintings and drawing oriental culture.  The complete digital portfolio will be presented in a flipbook on my website by the deadline at the beginning of June.


My project will be (2D) book of a fairy tales (4-6pages) based on the oriental traditions and style The target market for this series of books will be  children aged 5-10 years. I will also print 3D physical version of this book   .


This project is measurable because I will know it is completed when I have book  (2D) , physical book (3D).


This project is achievable if I will be systematic. I think I will be able to complete this project on time.



The deadline for this project is the 7th of June, so I have about 2 months to complete it.

Why have you chosen to do this project?

 I have chosen to do this project because I would like to learn how to design children book and trust and explore my creative intuition to create and print my own illustration book. I would love to learn how to design, compose, paint and refine my own illustrations that will tell a incredible story. In my progression route this is something what I will do regular, so I can practice in advance before start my first year of Graphic Design- Illustration.  








Who are you researching for this project? Please list at least three artists and/or designers and you additional research on your concept 

- Alina Chau

- how to create book for children

- what should children's book be like

- other artists

- asian culture



What techniques/skills are you developing/learning for this project?

Drawing and painting traditional way by using various painting methods and mediums such as watercolour, gouache, colourful pencils, markers, pencil and ink pen.


- How to design different styles of characters

- learn how to create a well-balanced composition

- use emotions to tell a story in drowing

- how to paint with mix media  (gouache , watercolour, markers, colour pencils) 

- learn colour palette

- design characters and environment 








What do you expect the final outcome of the project to be?

 I expect a short storytelling book with appealing, colourful eye-catching images about a girl and her new friend-dragon. 











What have you completed so far for this project?


 I have completed story for the book, made some sketches and initial plan what drawing will have each page 

I created character design for the main characters dragon and girl 










What do you think will be the issues/drawbacks to the project?

 The issues will be time frame.









What is your timescale considering that this has to be completed by Week 10?

Week Three: research how to do book for children , sketch, concept, planning, widening writing fairy tales, 



Week Four: Further research in designers, drawing



Week Five: drawing paintings traditional method and using computer programs



Week Six: drawing painting traditional method and using computer



Week Seven:  creating flip book



Week Eight: Making my 3D outcome



Week Nine:  Finishing everything. Uploading it all to my website, looking into presenting my work in the way the work is displayed best.


What resources or materials will you need for this project?

 I will need:

access to the internet, access to photoshop, adobe Illustrator, procreate

my: computer, graphic tablet, I-pad, Apple pencil


watercolours, colourful pencils, markers, gouache, pencils












Draw a picture/Write a sentence/sketch a story/write a dialogue that captures the essence of your project





























  1. Your timescale needs a bit more detail, week 7 has nothing and the other weeks seem a bit vague. Remember what I said about getting in touch with the printers about how long it may take to produce a hard copy book - this should also be factored into your plan.

    May I make a suggestion about the title? I think it is a bit long - could you shorten it to the ;The Daughter and The Dragon'?


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