students talk

My presentation included 14 slides My feedback Patrycja Ruscyzscka – Research Presentation Feedback sheet During and after listening to the presentation, please use the table to add your feedback – remember to be constructive and supportive Name Feedback Comment on: the delivery/how clear the presentation was/the quality of the sources/the quality of the information/what did you learn? Fatima P She has developed good vocabulary and pronunciation, presentation was clear and organised. Ewa I like the artist that you chose, and is strongly linked to your project. You find lots of information about her and her style. Suzy A variety of example images, Clear structure, Focusing on one single artist Bart Very well organised, clear Good choice of images that let understand what You talked about Monica Presentation had a good amount of research and was easy to follow. I think overall it was a great presentation. I wanted to know about her style ...